The 13 original colonies of the United States ... from New Hampshire in the north to Georgia in the south. But how did these British colonies evolve into the United States of America?
Right-wing British Member of Parliament Nigel Farage responded favorably to the idea of the United States joining the British ...
banded together to force the British to withdraw from their town during an oft-overlooked encounter known as Leslie's Retreat Robert Pushkar The Englishman’s pamphlet helped spur the 13 colonies ...
By the 18th century, 45,000 Africans are transported annually on British ships. 1700s: Almost half of the slaves coming to North America arrive in Charleston. Many stay in South Carolina to work ...
E pluribus unum explicitly commemorates the union of thirteen British colonies into one nation. The statue and the motto do not celebrate immigration; they salute the achievement of the settlers ...
British mercantilism flourished during the middle of the 17th century at a time when England was flexing its muscle in the New World. The idea behind this economic policy was that the colonies existed ...
During this time Britain lost and gained colonies. During the early years of the British Empire, 13 colonies in North America were established by the British. These colonies went to war against ...
The man with a taste for alcohol and a brilliant political mind would help shape the British colonies of North America into one nation.
The shift from indentured servitude to racial slavery in the British colonies is evident in the development of the colonies' laws. • Virginia, 1639: The first law to exclude "Negroes" from ...