Each Avatar has a few unique abilities or preferences to make them stand out in the millennia-long cycle, including some key ...
After what feels like a lifetime of waiting, we’re finally getting a new animated Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Avatar: Seven Havens is the third animated show in the franchise, and will be set ...
Avatar: The Legend of Korra might have cued fans in about a key curse that follows they Avatar through it's reincarnations.
In the Avatar: The Last Airbender ... to Aang or Korra before the Avatar State entered the picture, since neither Aang nor Korra ever learned how to face an opponent like Ming-Hua.
Players will now be able to harness the spirit of Team Avatar with Zenyatta as Aang, Venture as Toph, Genji as Zuko, Kiriko as Suki, and Orisa as Appa. New Avatar-themed cosmetics will also be ...