Boaters off the New Hampshire coast have a whale of a tail to tell after a humpback whale slammed into a fishing boat and a pair of teen brothers caught the whole thing on video, then rescued the ...
A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
An endangered North Atlantic right whale, swimming in the Gulf off the Fort Myers, Florida coast, was captured on video by SeaTrek Charters of SWFL ...
By Sara Ruberg On a small inflatable boat last Friday, Evan Brodsky and two co-workers with a whale-watching tour company were on the lookout for gray whales on the Pacific blue waters of Monterey ...
accompanied by nature guide Erika Castañon and boat captain Jose Fernandez. We were primarily on the lookout for blue whales – the giants of the planet, reaching as much as 110 feet in length.