The American Heart Association, in collaboration with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, is helping to ensure students know how to respond to a cardiac emergency.
Friday is National Wear Red Day, an initiative started by the American Heart Association to raise awareness about heart disease in women.
It doesn’t involve giving breaths by mouth. This form of CPR, the AHA says, is “just as effective as conventional CPR with breaths when given in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest.” ...
"You've got the most simple form of information in front of mummies ... "But there's nothing in there about CPR." Mrs Gardyj has been featured in a training video by the British Red Cross for ...
This CPR training is an American Heart Association (AHA) Friends and Family course. This training will include CPR for adult and children, choking and the use of the AED defibrillator. It is for ...