Praise him whenever you see him making an effort to do the right thing. Teach Your Child to Make Good Choices An important aspect of discipline is teaching your child to think for herself. A child who ...
They may tell us they hate chores, but kids who help around the house report feeling accomplished and competent, not to ...
There are lots of small things you can do every day that can help ... it must be because ‘you’re just not good enough’. Because of that belief, children begin to avoid challenges and choose ...
"Surprisingly, the research tells us that making a mistake is actually good," Dr. Young shares ... and grandparents start doing these things the next time a child makes a mistake.
Limiting screen-time and investing in hobbies like reading, playing sports, or hanging out in-person with friends is one of ...
For people wondering how to be a good parent, here's some parenting advice for you: avoid doing these things that set your ... Parents don't do their children any favors by removing any chance ...
says parents can still supervise how their children engage with technology to do their productive and non-productive activities. “The good things in life are used and enjoyed in moderation ...
Getting children involved in their community and doing good things — that’s the focus of a new program launched by the ...
Hi, Patience! If you could recommend One Good Thing everyone can do to improve their mental health, what would it be? Healing your inner child is transformative because it reveals the underlying ...