Sunita "Suni" Williams had an unexpectedly long stay at the International Space Station after her capsule malfunctioned.
When melanocytes die, or if they lose their ability to provide melanin to the hair, then the hair may gradually lose its colour and turn grey ... (naturally) dark hair for her age.
Previous studies have also demonstrated potential links between space travel and an increase in oxidative stress, which experts have suggested contributes to aging and, in turn, graying hair. However, ...
Ultimately, there is no black and white, right or wrong decision ... The final step in my journey removing hair color to go ...
Expert tips and advice for anyone who’s embracing grey hair, considering colouring their hair or is already entrenched in years of tinting their hair. And while going grey is often applauded and ...
A retired executive director of a nonprofit organization was very honest regarding her reason. She said, “It makes me look younger, which was important while working.” She recently was with a group of ...
“I’m inspired to let my hair go grey. I have no idea where to start, though. What are my options to make the transition?” —Silver Curious in Midtown To grey or not to grey is a big question right now.
NAGOYA--A natural compound in celery, broccoli and other plants inhibits black hair from going gray, research shows. Machiko Iida, a specially appointed assistant professor of occupational and ...