Brent Spiner just pitched the perfect Data idea for a newStar Trek streaming movie. Since his introduction on Star Trek: The ...
EXCLUSIVE: Brent Spiner addresses his potential return to the Star Trek franchise, after Picard season 3 saw Data being fully ...
A three-judge panel for the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit unanimously agreed with the Copyright ...
The TNG casting process would go on to affect the future of the franchise for decades to come and continues to impact Star ...
The Next Generation producer Rick Berman forbid writers from mentioning this legendary character from The Original Series.
From Data to Scotty, Star Wars and Star Trek have seen many actors crossover to the other side no matter how iconic their ...
We will include Starfleet Academy here. We already know that Tig Notaro, Mary Wiseman, and Oded Fehr will be reprising their roles in Star Trek 's Saved by the Bell (as Jett Reno, Sylvia Tilly, and ...
Whatever happened to Klingon Jesus? A new 'Star Trek' story has just revealed a new twist in the story of Kahless.
Whether they're grouchy or graceful, these physicians help the heroes of Star Trek accomplish their space-faring missions.