DEAR FRAZZLED: A wife and mother whose behavior and general cleanliness have worsened to the point that she leaves her chewed ...
Hafi Pro estimates that Abby Dowse's net worth has been boosted by an estimated $23,000 to $32,000 in Instagram earnings per month. Her yearly earnings could exceed $364,000, the site reports ...
Getty Images DEAR ABBY: I have been in a relationship with ... He doesn’t visit me, but he always leaves his door open for me. We have discussed going out, but he always finds a reason to ...
DEAR ABBY: I have been married to a wonderful, intelligent and kind man for many years. We recently retired and are beginning to enjoy our retirement years together. Over the years, we have worked ...
DEAR ABBY: I have two sisters. Our mother passed away last year after a bad fall. I was her primary caretaker and was with her every day. The other two sisters were not speaking to her at all ...
DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my husband for more than 20 years. He's mostly very nice, although he has generalized anxiety disorder. In the past, he threatened to kill someone (not me!) ...
Dear Abby advises a mother whose adult son can't hang on to a job and refuses to accept responsibility for his actions. motortion - DEAR ABBY: I am blessed with two sons who live ...
DEAR ABBY: My husband, “Leon,” and I have been together for 13 years. He is bisexual -- gay-leaning. I knew this when we got together. I am 51, and Leon is 32. We still love each other deeply ...
DEAR ABBY: My stepdaughter died tragically this year, struck by a driver while on her morning walk. She leaves behind a husband and four children under the age of 18. Their wedding anniversary is ...
DEAR ABBY: My husband, “Leon,” and I have been together for 13 years. He is bisexual — gay-leaning. I knew this when we got together. I am 51, and Leon is 32. We still love each other deeply ...
DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my husband for more than 20 years. He’s mostly very nice, although he has generalized anxiety disorder. In the past, he threatened to kill someone (not me!) ...