Many chefs also celebrate the flavor of geoduck clams, which is said to be clean ... The clams have an extremely phallic appearance, with a long neck and a bulbous body. However, this intimidating ...
Geoduck (pronounced “gooey-duck”) is a clam with an oversized siphon (some people call it the neck) that bears an unfortunate resemblance to a certain part of the male anatomy; the siphon and ...
The name geoduck — pronounced "gooey duck" — is thought to come from the Native American Nisqually word "gweduc," which means ...
Geoduck clams, known for their phallic shape, cost up to $30 a pound. But the industry depends on buyers in China, where the economy is slowing.
"We're commercial divers [who] individually hand-pick each geoduck," he said. Geoducks are large saltwater clams known for their long siphon and their ability to burrow deep into the sand.
including bamboo clams (or razor clams) and baby geoduck. Pre-minced garlic from supermarkets often has an unpleasant metallic taste, so don't use it for this dish, and also resist using a garlic ...
Known for their briny flavor and phallic shape, geoduck clams can cost up to $30 a pound. The geoduck industry is worth $55 million in British Columbia, with about 90% of sales coming from China. But ...