Exclusively found in the Sonoran desert, these cactuses grow the state flower of Arizona — the saguaro cactus flower. They are the tallest ... but one of the biggest is located by ASU Gammage. Golden ...
The saguaro cactus is a distinctive icon of the American Southwest, found only in the Sonoran Desert. This towering plant, which can grow up to 60 feet tall and live for more than 200 years, is the ...
This replaces the National Parks Pass and Golden Eagle Pass ... species of rattlesnakes can be found in the park. The saguaro cactus can only be found in the Sonoran Desert.
This 92,867-acre park is dedicated to the largest cactus in the U.S., the saguaro (pronounced sa-WAH-ro), a universal symbol of the American West. The park is divided into two districts ...
Last, you can take either entrance and continue through Golden Gate Road ... park visitors about the park. Cactus Forest Drive is the main road through the Saguaro East portion of the park.