Feeling bleary eyed? Here's how to avoid a hangover - and get through one at work... - Feeling the effects of a weekend out ...
Have you been feeling groggy, fatigued or cranky? According to astrology, this might be more than plain old moodiness: You might be experiencing an eclipse hangover. The term is trending on TikTok ...
Maybe that’s the magic of books—not just the stories they tell, but the way they stay with us, long after we’ve turned the ...
Drinking dehydrates you, and that dehydration usually accompanies a hangover but probably isn't responsible for it — drinking in the sun makes that feeling worse though. Most researchers say ...
There is a connection between alcohol and anxiety the day after you drink for many reasons, even if you’ve not been diagnosed ...
Acetaldehyde will form in the body regardless of whether you drink water, so water sandwiches might slow down or lessen the ...
As Holi festivities wind down, reports highlight concerns over "bhang hangovers." Although the festivities of Holi linger in memory, the aftermath of a bhang hangover can dampen spirits the following ...
and the histamines in red wine can make some people who suffer hay fever feel miserable. Preservatives and colourings can also give you a bad hangover if your body can’t tolerate them.