Beyond the loss of species, the researchers also documented considerable shifts in the types of species that persist under ...
Humans are having a highly detrimental impact on biodiversity worldwide. Not only is the number of species declining, but the composition of species communities is also changing. This is one of the ...
According to the results of a massive new synthesis study of over 2,000 publications, which leaves no room for ambiguity or ...
Humans are having a highly detrimental impact on biodiversity worldwide. Not only are the numbers of species declining, but the composition of ...
Biologging uses animal sensors to track ocean changes, helping scientists address climate, pollution, and conservation.
Dr. Michael Fox considers the multiple contributing factorsā€”veterinary, ethical, and environmentalā€”underlying an integrated ...
Ecosystems face a combination of stressors that can interact in complex ways, leading to either synergistic (amplifying) or ...
Protecting remaining strongholds and minimising human impacts on food sources will be crucial to avoiding further population ...
Since 2020, it has caused the most severe panzootic ever recorded, leading to alarming impacts on animal and ecosystem health. H5N1 virus also poses a threat to human health due to the risk of ...
Puentes Riaño stressed the urgency of mainstreaming the human right to a clean environment into ocean policies.
These concerns are linked with anthropogenic climate change and our impact on ecosystems ... animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants ...