Symptoms usually come on suddenly, according to the CDC, and can include fevers above 100.4 degrees F, dry cough, sore throat ...
Seasonal flu tends to spike from December to February. People who become infected tend to get a sore throat, cough, runny ...
Flu season is here in New Jersey, but other illnesses are in full swing in the Garden State. Here are the symptoms and how ...
Influenza viruses have not evolved resistance to suraxavir marboxil, which relieves cough, fever and other symptoms.
However, doctors caution that you should still be mindful of cold-related symptoms and when to seek urgent care. They say ...
Most people who catch the flu have only the above mild symptoms and recover on their own without the use of antiviral ...
We all know that a healthy, balanced diet dominated by unprocessed foods is a recipe for gut and overall health, but ...
Humans infected with bird flu display a wide range of symptoms, from pneumonia requiring hospitalization to no symptoms at ...
On December 29 the NHS reported 5,074 patients in hospital with the flu in England, four times the amount the same time the ...
The flu vaccine is generally about 40% effective at completely preventing influenza, according to Blumberg. The flu vaccine ...