For the latter argument, the powers granted to the user upon eating Mythical Zoan fruits are the best, since one fruit can imbue the user with multiple forms and, often, many special abilities as ...
Saint Killingham is one of the Holy Knights, and he has one of the most overpowered Devil Fruits ever seen in One Piece.
Find out what could be the devil fruit powers of Loki based on clues in the One Piece manga, along with his already seen ...
In One Piece, with hints about Devil Fruits overtaking their users, could Luffy's peak transformation turn him into a ...
A lot about devil fruit and the awakening still remain a mystery in One Piece, but Eiichiro Oda finally answers a major ...
Mythical Zoan users like Luffy display Paramecia-like abilities, setting them apart from traditional Zoan types. One Piece's Egghead Arc shows the awakening of many Zoan-type devil fruits ...
The Mythical Zoan Fruit of the Cerberus animates the sword of Saint Figarland Shamrock, son of Saint Figarland and twin brother of “Red-Haired” Shanks. As the current leader of the Holy ...
Awakened Zoan Devil Fruits might be the strongest ... The models of these fruits range from normal ones (Dalton's Ox-Ox Devil Fruit) to mythical ones (Kaido's Azure Dragon Devil Fruit).
From elemental Logia powers like lightning and fire to the transformative Zoan powers ... animals to mythical dragons and phoenixes, One Piece is full of nearly every devil fruit power imaginable.