March in New England brings the earliest signs of spring. Plants that have been dormant all winter start to wake up and so do ...
One summer day in 2018, Sam Droege lowered his net and scooped up a few small bees buzzing around the blossoms of a chinquapin, a shrubby member of the chestnut tree family. Droege, a wildlife ...
Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District education specialist Kelly Riley explains the benefits of putting off spring ...
By As natural pollinators, Cambodia’s native honey bees are key to the survival of the country’s forests and farms. But these species are at a conservation crossroads, warns a recent ...
The main prey of the Asian hornet is honeybees, with one insect killing up to 50 bees a day, devastating entire colonies.
Beekeepers from across the country are gathering in the midlands this weekend to highlight their concerns around the native ...
Hungry Asian hornets are devouring more than 1,400 different native species across Britain and Europe, reveals new research.