Mason Bees Are Solitary: Each female lays her own eggs, builds her nest, and gathers food. No hive, no queen, no honey—this makes them non-aggressive and they do not sting. They Hibernate in ...
Red mason bees need a box filled with hollow pipes ... Mason bees use holes in old wood or thick stems for nesting, so hogweed and brambles make good homes for them. A wood pile will make a ...
Solitary bees, such as the red mason bee, will mate and then the female will find or create a suitable nest site, lay eggs and seal off the burrow and leave the young grubs to survive on the food ...
Mason bees use mud in nest construction and are active mostly in Spring. Leafcutter bees use leaves to line nests and are active in Summer. A few species in this diverse group are managed for crop ...
March in New England brings the earliest signs of spring. Plants that have been dormant all winter start to wake up and so do ...
By providing sand and dead wood in a garden, you could help a whole range of solitary bee species to nest, including the red mason bee, the blue mason bee, the patchwork leafcutter bee, the wool ...