such as Jim Beam Figural Bottles: An Unauthorized Collector's Guide by Molly Higgins or the Antique Trader Perfume Bottles Price Guideby Kyle Husfloen and Penny Dolnick. Other price guides provide ...
Most of us have at least a bottle or two (perhaps more) of perfume around the house. Perhaps we’ve switched scent, or maybe ...
IF you have a bottle of old perfume lying forgotten among your toiletries, you could be sitting on a small fortune. Nostalgia for fragrances from the past mean that discontinued scent bottles from ...
If you happen to have the right perfume bottle in your cupboard you may be sitting on a fortune. There is no price guide telling you what a particular vintage perfume bottle is worth as most ...
This perfume can sell for £200. says even empty bottles can be worth thousands. ‘Women used to keep a variety of perfumes in their boudoirs – refilling the old bottles – a century ago ...