Xeroderma (dry skin) can appear as dry, white, purple, or red flaky patches on your skin. Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can make you more prone to experiencing dry skin patches.
Vitamin-E capsules are very beneficial for skin care. Applying vitamin-E capsules brings glow on the skin. Let us know how to ...
White spots on the face can cover a small or large area of skin. They can be hard bumps or flat patches. Possible causes include milia, pityriasis alba, vitiligo, and more. Many people experience ...
Discolored skin patches may also commonly develop on certain body parts due to a difference in melanin levels. Melanin is the substance that provides color to the skin and protects it from the sun.
One writer reviews the Grace & Stella Under Eye Patches, sharing an honest assessment of the product as well as before and ...
Thanks to pimple patches printed in fun shapes and colors, you can wear a face full of stickers instead of angry breakouts. They’re cute and camoflauging, yes, but how do pimple patches work?
These affordable under-eye patches contain a secret ingredient for making you look well-rested on no sleep — details!
Rather, each pack contains dry-to-the-touch silicone patches shaped to the face zone it is targeting: two semi-circles for crow's feet or nose-to-mouth folds; two strips for forehead creases and one ...
Combination skin means you’ve got both oily and dry spots on different areas of your face, so some products that counteract oiliness and acne (which typically occurs on your T-zone) can further ...
Skin patches are slowly replacing tablets and injections as an alternative means of administering medicine. As demand grows, a variety of patches are available to treat all manner of ills.