It wasn’t until the 18th century that marmalades were made with other fruit like oranges. You can use both poached quince and raw quince in your baking. Elevate your pastry game with a Quince ...
This dessert defines an exact moment in the season – the end of autumn and the beginning of winter – and I prepare it as soon as the first quince are ripe. However, with its warm and spicy ...
Quince is a very special fruit from the point of taste – they are sour but excellent to eat for a meal. Make five delicious ...
Quince is a difficult fruit to get hold of ... Heat the liquid until just boiling, then reduce the heat to a poach. (A poach is when there is only one or two bubbles breaking the surface of ...
Choose fruit that is firm (never soft ... Try Lois Daish's simple method here. She says the quince is good for breakfast with slices of raw or poached pear and crunchy raw nashi.
Inspired by the enormous fruit on a gnarly quince tree at the old butter factory (a very special Fleurieu location) I came home and poached quinces my favourite way, combining them with almonds in ...