You have to select a hat, hair, eyes, nose and mouth. Red-Yellow-Blue hat, no hair, dark glasses, stimpy's nose and stimpy's mouth is the result you should see.
In this short period, the featured dog and cat were surprisingly ... this unbalanced casting was a detriment to the Ren and ...
This reboot of the 1991 slapstick buddy comedy of the same name centers on a skinny, temperamental chihuahua Ren and his trusting feline sidekick, Stimpy. Together, this twisted twosome find ...
Ren & Stimpy learn the true meaning of obedience when George Liquor takes them home with him and swears to make them "champions." Nickelodeon refused to air this episode as it was considered too ...
Lair of the Lummox: Ren and Stimpy go in search of the dying breed of the lummox. Deep in the wood they find a prime specimen; a freckled red neck known as Booger Red ...
Terminal Stimpy: Stimpy gets paranoid because he's used up eight of his nine lives. Reverend Jack Cheese: Ren and Stimpy begin a job working for the Reverend Jack ...