In restorative yoga, poses are typically held for five minutes or more, and a session might consist of just five to 10 poses. Props are essential to the practice and are used to “prop” the ...
Yoga is what everyone is talking about! You may take up yoga because your favourite celebrity practices it or you want to ...
This 90-minute restorative yoga practice is designed to calm, renew your sense of well-being and start the week off rested. No prior yoga experience needed. Reiki will be offered while you rest in ...
Mellow and slow-moving, restorative yoga includes longer holds, which gives your body a chance to experience a deeper relaxation. You can use props to fully support the body in each pose, including: ...
Yoga has so many benefits, but one we never really talk about is its potential to help people process trauma. Writer Sophia Akram explores how restorative yin can impact recovery from race-based PTSD.