Rich Benjamin’s new book reveals a shared spirit between the world’s first Black republic and the United States.
During that earlier conflict, several hundred soldiers from the French island colony of Saint-Domingue, which later became Haiti, fought for France on the side of the revolutionaries. Likely ...
C’est à Bois-Caïman, dans un lieu à l’abri des regards, tout au nord de Saint-Domingue – l’Haïti d’alors – que s’écrit le prologue du destin de la première république Noire au ...
Haiti's history is filled with vibrant cultural traditions and a spirit of resilience, marked by both periods of massive ...
How did Americans percieve Toussaint? What did Jefferson think about Haiti? A: All of the American newspapers covered events in Saint Domingue, in a great deal of detail. All Americans understood ...
In 1804, this revolution brought an end to the French colony of Saint-Domingue and gave birth to Haiti, the first independent black republic in the world. >> Certain scholars who talk about the ...
Loin des plages surpeuplées de Punta Cana, Saint-Domingue demeure souvent ignorée des touristes. La capitale de la République dominicaine mérite pourtant le voyage, ne serait-ce que pour ...
An image showing the Saint-Domingue Revolution of 1791. The rebellion against French control was ultimately succession and led to the creation of the nation of Haiti in 1804. On plantations ...