If a skunk is denning under your porch, place lattice up from the ground to the deck to keep the skunk out. You might also ...
Skunks are most active in spring. They’re most known for their ability to spray musk when threatened – they can spray with accuracy up to 15 feet ...
This is where skunk sprays for dogs come in handy. Skunk sprays can eliminate the skunk odor, clean your pet, and add a ...
If your dog was unfortunate enough to have an encounter with a skunk, forget about using tomato juice to take away the smell. The best solution is a combination of one quart of 3 percent hydrogen ...
Love and a pungent odor are in the air this week ... because they're not super cold-hardy." A skunk at the Lake Wichita Dog Park tested positive for rabies. Skunks, like many animals in this ...
If you or your dog finds yourself on the wrong end of a skunk spray, there is no end of myths and urban legends about how to wash away that nasty skunk scent. Skunk spray gets its smell from thiol ...
Check the yard before letting your dogs out at night ... Why do skunks spray a foul smell? In addition to marking territory, if a skunk feels threatened, they may spray as a last resort defense ...