If a skunk is denning under your porch, place lattice up from the ground to the deck to keep the skunk out. You might also ...
A mountain lion is one of the most powerful predators in North America. It moves silently through forests and mountains, ...
If you're wondering why you're seeing — or smelling — skunks out and about in February, well, mating season is underway. As the critters pair up this season, watch out for skunks in your yard ...
A stinky rock in Minnesota drew wolves, otters, deer, beaver and fox into the line of sight of a wildlife camera. Watch the ...
Skunks are most active in spring. They’re most known for their ability to spray musk when threatened – they can spray with ...
A rabid skunk was found recently in Jessamine County, health department officials said. The skunk was found on East Hickman Road. The health department reported the positive rabies test Monday ...
Love and a pungent odor are in the air this week, and it has nothing to do with holidays commemorating patron saints. Skunk mating season has reached the Buckeye State in full force, according to ...
Male skunks are polygamous and mate with multiple female skunks during the season. The season may include more foul skunk odor in the air as male skunks spray amid mating fights and female skunks ...