Recently opened in February, the Salon is a slam poetry and spoken word venue created by SU senior Audrey Weisburd ...
Conceived in the '80s, propagated in the '90s and formalized in the 2000s, Slam Poetry is once again evolving, this time to meet the demands of the YouTube era. Since last year, has ...
Ten local high school students will take the stage at the Academy of Music on Saturday, April 5, at 7 p.m. to compete in the Third Annual Academy Regional Youth Poetry Slam. The event, a competition ...
Denver not only boasts the 2011 national champion slam-poetry team, Slam Nuba, but in March the city hosted its largest poetry event to date: the Women of the World Poetry Slam. And then a local ...
The Poetry Slam featured a lineup of talented local poets ... This beloved annual celebration will feature live music, with an opening act by Queen K, with The Legendary Wailers as the headliner.
Danny Sherrard, international award-winning poetry performer and co-founder of the Island Verse Literary Collective ...