Had London simply taken a step back and realized the Germans were disinterested in deploying the Tirpitz from its Norwegian ...
The Bismarck’s terrifying effectiveness led the Royal Navy to make the battleship’s destruction their main goal in the early phase of the war. Long before the rise of Adolf Hitler’s blood ...
And in the end, the Swordfish was just what was needed. Sleek, fast, and heavily armed, Bismarck was the newest battleship of ...
This was the Royal Navy's greatest loss on a single ship of the Second World War. When the Bismarck was sunk 9 days later over 2000 sailors perished. In total, this great sea battle cost the lives ...
Detailed and fascinating documentary telling the history of the famous German battleship of World War II. The urgent British hunt and the German ship's efforts to escape are described through ...
Sixty years after the epic battle between Hood and Bismarck, an expedition is going to find out exactly what happened to these two great Second World War ships. David Mearns - leading the search ...
In 1939, the warship Bismarck is built to attack American cargo ships in order to weaken Great Britain. However, the British navy plans to prevent this, leading to one of the largest naval battles ...