Widex is one of the biggest hearing aid manufacturers in the world, offering both behind-the-ear and in-the-ear devices to improve mild to profound hearing loss. Customers can sign up for a no ...
Underscoring its commitment to helping hearing aid wearers experience natural sound in any environment, Widex, a part of WS ...
Our ear is the most important part of our signal chain. An endorsee of Widex SmartRIC hearing aids, he says they have restored his hearing to how it was when he was younger. I was listening to 5.1 ...
Widex achieves new levels of natural hearing with Allure, featuring the all-new W1 chip and Precision Hearing Technology, ...
The new Allure RIC RD hearing aids are the first to be fitted through the groundbreaking Widex Compass Cloud, the world's first cloud-based fitting software for excellent first fits. LYNGE ...