The Southern California Democrat who proposed banning the Castle doctrine – or using lethal force to defend your home – has ...
In response to backlash, Assembly member Rick Zbur clarified the bill's intent on social media platform 'X,' stating, "AB ...
Republican critics in California, including one sheriff, are in an uproar over a proposed bill that they say would essentially make many acts of self-defense illegal. Proposed […] ...
California State Assembly Bill 1333, which would have changed self-defense protection laws involving home intruders, has been pulled from consideration for now.
“It's time for a change." Zbur said the critics had misconstrued the bill. “AB 1333 was never intended to limit a crime victim’s right to defend yourself, your family, and your hom ...
AB 1333 was introduced by Assembly Member Rick Zbur of Santa Monica on Feb. 21. According to the California Legislative Information website, the bill seeks to “eliminate certain circumstances ...