Ken] recently obtained an attitude indicator—sometimes called an artificial horizon—from an F-4 fighter jet. Unlike some ...
Some hackers have the skills to help us find noteworthy lessons in even the most basic of repairs. For instance, is your ...
Hardware restrictions can be unreasonable, and at times, it can be downright puzzling just how arbitrary they are. Such is ...
To anyone who has spent some time in photovoltaic (PV) power circles, the word ‘perovskite’ probably sounds familiar.
We love the idea [Btoretsukuru] shared that uses a simple setup called the Syringe Slider to take smoothly-tracked video ...
Every action camera these days seems prone to overheating and sudden shutdowns after mere minutes of continuous operation. It ...
The truth is, our desktop computers today would have been classed as supercomputers only a few decades ago. There was a time ...
We see a lot of clocks here at Hackaday. Some of them are better than others, but this one from [John Graham-Cumming] is ...
You probably think of them as “Ziploc” bags, but, technically, the generic term is zipper bag. Everything from electronic ...
In an educational project with ethically questionable applications, [ChromaLock] has converted the ubiquitous TI-84 ...
It’s a well-known secret that inkjet ink is being kept at artificially high prices, which is why many opt to forego ‘genuine’ manufacturer cartridges and get third-party ones ...
It’s been a long time since the family TV has had a CRT in it, and even longer since that it was using what was basically an overgrown oscilloscope tube. But “roundies” were once ...