When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
President Donald Trump on Monday pardoned about 1,500 people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a sweeping gesture of support to the people who assaulted police as they tried to prevent ...
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
美麗華旅遊一個旅行團, 在上海浦東機場附近發生車禍, 車上1名男領隊死亡, 另外2人受輕傷. 上海警方在官方微博表示, 事發在下午2時20分左右, 一輛大巴駛經S32高速浦東機場方向近機務區一個彎位時, 53歲男性司機因操作不當, 撞到道路護欄, 導致1名乘客跌出車外死亡, 另有2名乘客輕微擦傷, 事故調查處置工作正在進一步開展.
農曆新年賽馬日在沙田馬場舉行, 馬會指近8.6萬人入場, 其中內地及海外旅客人數近9,700人, 創歷來賽馬日新高, 當中內地旅客佔九成. 至於投注額方面, 11場賽事有近19.45億港元, 較去年增加一成.
南丫島對開有1名非華裔男子在貨船上意外墮海, 送院後證實死亡. 早上11時半左右, 這名69歲男子在貨船的繩梯上, 懷疑失足墮海, 由駛經船隻的船員將他救起. 他昏迷, 由政府飛行服務隊送到東區醫院, 之後證實死亡.
今日是年初三, 入境處預計上午是出入境高峰期. 截至下午4時, 有67.6萬人次經各出入境管制站進出本港. 其中入境人次近28萬, 主要是內地入境旅客, 有近15.7萬人次, 最多是經高鐵西九龍站入境, 有近4萬內地旅客使用. 至於出境人次有超過39.6萬, 本港居民佔近32萬, 最多人使用的是港珠澳大橋口岸, 有超過6.8萬人次, 其次是落馬洲支線, 羅湖及深圳口岸.
French Finance Minister Eric Lombard said on Friday that talks on getting the 2025 budget passed through parliament were "on the right track", although some compromises may still be needed. Lombard al ...
獅子山隧道往九龍方向管道, 下午3時多有一輛貨車尾部著火, 消防到場將火救熄, 無人受傷, 現時獅隧往九龍方向管道全線封閉.
英國《金融時報》引述數名美國前任和現任官員報道, 有跡象顯示, 中國正在北京西面建造巨型軍事指揮中心, 規模可能是全球最大、 達到美國五角大樓的10倍. 金融時報指, 取得的衛星圖片顯示, 距離北京西南30公里處, 有一個大約6平方公里的地盤, 外面有檢查站, 禁止外人進入; 裡面有幾個被挖深的洞口, 軍事專家判斷, 它們可能用來容納用作掩護的大型堅固設施, 包括在核戰期間供軍事領導人使用. 報道 ...
Passengers evacuated from an Air Busan plane that was engulfed in flames this week at a South Korean airport will have their checked baggage returned to them, after authorities on Friday deemed the je ...