The Village Voice surveys a selection of books and online resources that map out resistance to Donald Trump’s racist and authoritarian goals.
Get ready for a fun-filled stretch of partying, bacchanal, sweet food treats and celebrations. The party starts with the ...
The song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" is an English Christmas carol. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly.
Many assume the majority of people living on the streets struggle with mental illness or just need jobs — and that homelessness is unfortunate, but intractable. Longtime advocate for the unhoused, ...
New York Times inEducation has been designed as a resource to connect Times journalism with key areas of study for students and faculty through our Education and Library Subscription Program.
This year, King spearheaded Ontario’s Warrior Wishmaker program, a collective of fundraisers throughout the district to provide Christmas gifts to students in need. King said he noticed a plethora of ...
Are you an innovator? Whether you are working from your home, an academic in a university lab, or a scientist in a small, medium or a major corporation, the Innovation for Defence, Excellence and ...
After Cascade Church near Bend, Oregon, hosted their first-ever VBS this last summer, the idea for a winter VBS reunion was ...
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