I was certainly aware that Israel had been established after Hitler’s Holocaust, but didn’t connect it with Balfour’s 1917 declaration ...
A visitor to Sheffield from Nablus in the West Bank of Palestine has spoken of living under Israeli occupation and has called ...
Why should a country want or need allies? President Donald Trump and his followers seem to disdain the idea. So did George ...
The Green Line is a meandering boundary that stretches across approximately 500 kilometers, and it lies at the heart of many ...
Some national borders are determined by natural phenomena like seas, mountains and rivers. Most, however, are created by ...
The Balfour Declaration, one would have expected this decision by the British Government to have been the subject of deep ...
If Trump's plan is accepted, it could lead to a new Final Solution against the Palestinians, just as with the Jews during World War II.
This week has marked a new, horrifying phase in the long history of attempts to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian people from their homeland. Donald Trump’s comments made during Tuesday’s US-Israeli ...
The rise of India and China provides a counterpoint to former European empires. Brazil has framed the conflict as a continuation of decolonisation The October 7, 2023 attack on Israel by the ...
In 1917 the Balfour Declaration was just a statement of British policy. It was formally adopted at a meeting of victorious allied powers at San Remo, Italy in 1920. In the UK Prime Minister Theresa ...
Negotiations in Paris on the Turkish settlement have reached so critical a state in their effects upon the realisation of the Balfour Declaration for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine as to compel me to ...