The canonization process in the Romanian Orthodox Church begins at the initiative of the dioceses where the earthly life of the person proposed for sainthood has ended: documents and testimonies are ...
In 1997, the preliminary stage for the opening of the canonization process began, and 10 years later the formal opening of the cause was presented. The diocesan phase was concluded in 2013 ...
A separate wall will contain information about other Americans in various stages of the canonization process. The shrine will also be organizing a series of events throughout the year leading up ...
Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori helped the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton open a new exhibit marking the ...
Kagan announced the opening of a diocesan investigation into Duppong's "holiness of life and love for God," officially starting the long and arduous process of canonization to a saint. On Nov. 1 ...
The process of forming this narrative is called memory canonization. It occurs when the government and ruling elites impose a specific interpretation or narrative of a disaster, including what to ...
Like the usual canonization process, equipollent canonization is an invocation of papal infallibility in which the pope declares that a person is among the saints in heaven. It avoids the formal ...
As Thailand’s Catholic community continues preparations for the next steps in the canonization process, the martyrs are remembered for their steadfast faith and ...
Like the usual canonization process, equipollent canonization is an invocation of papal infallibility in which the pope declares that a person is among the saints in heaven. It avoids the formal ...