Researchers at the University of Edinburgh developed a robotic arm that can serve coffee and perform other tasks thanks to AI ...
ScientiFix, our weekly feature, offers you a summary of the top global science stories of the week, with links to their ...
An AI-powered robot that can make cups of coffee in a busy kitchen provides a glimpse into "a future where increasingly ...
Researchers have successfully taught robots to make coffee and draw pictures by combining powerful language algorithms with ...
A team of scientists has developed an AI-powered robot that can make coffee in a busy kitchen, bringing us one step closer to ...
A ROBOT designed to make coffee has been hailed as “more human than ever”.  The AI-controlled mechanical arm adapts to “chaos” in the kitchen unlike other machines, scientists say.  It ...
RESEARCHERS have unveiled the world’s first AI-powered robot – that makes cups of coffee. The robot developed by a team at ...
The Bruvi coffee system is as convenient as a Keurig but more eco-friendly and produces better, more dynamic coffee. I tried ...
The robot was developed by a team at the University of Edinburgh (Ruaridh Mon-Williams/PA) An AI-powered robot that can make cups of coffee in a busy kitchen provides a glimpse into “a future ...