Long Islanders eagerly await the first signs of spring—the subtle yet reassuring clues that warmer weather is on its way. We ...
Spring is here! The snow and ice are disappearing, and soon the beautiful colors of nature will be everywhere.
This week's full worm moon will come with a special treat – a total lunar eclipse, which will turn the moon a blood red color ...
Early spring is the time to plant seeds to bloom by summer. Bell Nursery joins Jenyne and Jen to share recommendations for year-over-year growth.
The Common names of the wild flower are wild ground phlox, creeping phlox, Moss phlox, and the herb moss pink. The scientific name is Phlox subulata. Today's pink moon is also known as the ...
The pink moon is named after the herb moss pink, also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox or mountain phlox. This is a plant native to the eastern United States that is one of the earliest ...
Many of these species were planted as decorative landscaping, but native alternatives can do the job better. Creeping phlox, winterberry holly, maple-leaved viburnum, redbud, and witch-hazel are just ...