A local wildlife center is racing to save some beloved ducks at the University of Oklahoma’s campus after diesel spilled into their pond.
He said the majority of hunters want north and south zones, but many avid hunters also like the open water zone, which is ...
CLIFTON — Stew Leonard's, a popular regional supermarket chain, is looking to expand its footprint in the city with a ...
One duck is dead and several others have been rescued after an oil spill at OU pond and now the group that first brought attention to the spill is demanding ans ...
WildCare Oklahoma responded to a report of a oil spill in the Duck Pond on OU’s campus Monday, collecting eight ducks for ...
"What if everyone decided to dump their ducks at Sloan's Lake? Like if everybody just decided, 'Who cares?' Then where would ...
Ryan Lowe has backed Wigan Athletic starlet James Carragher to take to international football like a duck to water after ...
This bird, when cooked in the ordinary way, is about as palatable as a stewed kerosene lamp wick,” Edward Howe Forbush said ...
Winter has passed, and spring is in full bloom at Jahangirnagar University. However, the real surprise isn't the blooming ...
Traditionally, Lesser Whistling Ducks migrate to the 'Transport Lake', located next to the transport yard in JU, from both ...