E. Joseph Cossman Saving it right away, plus it’ll make you sound wise too! 4. "Good night dear friend! I say good night to thee. Across the moonbeams, tremulous and white, bridging all space ...
In the parable of the good Samaritan, Jesus makes it clear — a neighbor can be anyone, found anywhere, and helped without ...
Dear Eric: My niece contacted me and said she was coming to a college reunion near me. She wondered if she and her family ...
What is a good age to teach her ... I find it extremely rude Dear Annie: I act like a guilty teenager if my husband sees me scrolling through my phone at night If you purchase a product or ...
DEAR DEIDRE: OTHER women my age keep themselves busy with walking clubs or book groups, but I’m having wild one-night stands with ... I only noticed how good it felt to be touched again.
My good friend Jim McCabe publishes a weekly newsletter called Power Fades, which contains his musings about golf. He has ...
ANSWER: Urine protein is indeed the concern we have when a person notices foamy urine. However, before getting too worried, it’s important to recognize that normal urine does make bubbles. There are ...
My husband “Travis” and I have been married for 12 years. Lately, our sex life has become a bit staid. In an attempt to spice ...
It doesn’t erase your love for your boyfriend or the good things ... rude Dear Annie: I act like a guilty teenager if my husband sees me scrolling through my phone at night He bought a laptop ...
You know how good a slice of diner pie tastes after a long day on the road, the sugar bombarding your weary brain with ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: I ate some tilapia last night, and within an hour ... and opioids are not good long-term pain medications for most people. Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual ...