Yellow gentian is to the Jura what edelweiss is to the Alps: an emblematic plant. It grows at an altitude of around 1,000 ...
Iginio Massari sarà ospite nella puntata di oggi sabato 15 marzo a Verissimo. Il pasticcere, premiato come migliore al mondo ...
Over the past decade, extreme events such as heat, drought, storms and pests have taken a heavy toll on Swiss forests. In ...
The priceless Bible was produced in Tours in France in around 830-840, before making its way to Moutier-Grandval Abbey, in ...
Donald Trump makes UN employees in Geneva answer questions and Swiss patients may soon lose their right to choose doctors — ...
The wormwood plant from which absinthe is made is not native to Switzerland, but probably arrived with the Romans.
Chronic under-investment or simple network overload? Journeys on the French-speaking side of Switzerland haven't taken this ...
Individual taxation of married couples gets a boost in the parliament; deputies move toward tighter controls at Swiss borders ...
Stadler has presented its financial results for 2024, noting the significant impact of three major environmental disasters.
Sheep in the Swiss Jura are often kept in fields without attendant shepherds, just as they are across much of Scotland. Switzerland reintroduced lynx over 50 years ago, with over 200 animals now ...