Colorectal cancer, the third-most common cancer in the U.S., has been rising among younger people for the past two decades.
Scheduling a colonoscopy is one of the best ways to prioritize one’s colon health. During a colonoscopy, a small flexible endoscope is passed around a prepped colon to examine the inside lining of the ...
With the rising trend of colorectal cancer turning into a cause for concern, doctors raised the need for screening to ...
GEM Hospital introduces a helpline for colorectal cancer awareness, emphasizing patient support, early screening, and ...
Dr Karan Rajan, a UK-based NHS surgeon, emphasizes the importance of consuming three types of fibre for optimal gut health ...
Colorectal cancer affects the large intestine (colon) and rectum. It is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and ...
Colorectal cancer, most commonly known as colon cancer, has been the third most prevalent cancer worldwide, comprising about ...
Colorectal cancer is affecting more people under 50. Early screening and prevention are key. Learn about the causes and how ...
Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and accounts for the second-highest number of deaths due to cancer globally ...
Tristand Otieno has been to India two times seeking treatment for colon cancer. Sadly, he did not make it after the second ...
Bob Hogemark is one year in recovery from his colon cancer surgery. His polyps were discovered early through a colonoscopy.
Karen Kennerley, who has been diagnosed with terminal colon cancer, has spoken about the symptom she experienced that wasn't ...