Opening prices for quality assured hoggets are in the region of €8.70/kg, with plants offering a base quote of €8.50/kg to €8.60/kg plus their respective QA payment.
Aviation insurance rates have stabilized and premium increases on most policies are roughly tracking inflation rates.
After rising more than 0.4% on Monday, GBP/USD continued to edge higher and touched its strongest level since early November above 1.3000 on Tuesday before going into a consolidation phase. The pair's ...
Trump called for a federal judge’s impeachment following an order he did not agree with, prompting a rare public statement from Chief Justice John Roberts, who rejected the idea.
Today in the United States, we live in a world that I can best describe as one long trainwreck. You know, one of those metaphorical ones that you don’t want to look at but can’t seem to help? And I ...
Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan will limit Russia's influence in the South Caucasus, but the current draft peace agreement leaves questions unresolved.