The Senate Election Committee heard testimony Monday on two major election bills with election officials pointing to sections of the bill that would create barriers to voting, including a tight 2030 ...
Bart Hester and Rep. Jerimiah Moore. This bill would allow retail liquor permit holders to buy two additional permits under certain requirements.Current Arkansas law only allows people or ...
Around 120 salary claims were filed annually by work permit holders at the Employment Claims Tribunal (ECT) in the last five years, according to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). MOM said an average of ...
Companies in services and manufacturing also welcomed an expansion to a list of occupations for which they can hire work permit holders from more locations, with more job roles and more locations ...
Appellant City and County of San Francisco (City) sued EPA, arguing EPA exceeded its statutory authority under the CWA when it issued a renewal permit that added two “end-result” requirements ...
Beginning 1 July 2025, work permit holders will no longer be subject to a maximum employment period. The employment period currently ranges from 14 to 26 years based on skill level, sector ...
Quebec also agreed to make RAMQ available to post-graduate work permit holders and asked the federal government to flag it in the remarks section of the work permit. "Perhaps a similar arrangement ...
A permit may be suspended or cancelled due to weather conditions. Permit holders can check the status of their permit by calling 311 (905-615-4311 from outside City limits) or following us on Twitter ...
SINGAPORE: From June 1, Singapore employers can hire work permit holders from Bhutan, Cambodia, and Laos for construction, marine shipyard, and process industries, as well as certain manufacturing ...
Starting July 1st, work permit holders will no longer face a maximum employment period, Channel News Asia (CNA) cites. Previously, the duration ranged from 14 to 26 years, depending on factors such as ...