Crochet enthusiasts worldwide are turning their passion into a profitable business. YourCrochet, a top online platform dedicated to crafts, is leading the way with a detailed guide on how to make ...
When my friend walked in the door, I expected to see the usual bag of supplies for her latest crochet project in progress. During COVID, she had gone all-in on ...
The Irish designer of the world-famous Stem pattern is a strong believer in repeating things – except when it comes to the ...
Looking for things to do around Bay Area Houston in early spring? Check out these nine events happening in late-February and throughout March in your neighborhood. This list is not comprehensive and ...
Her class in Amherst College’s Science Center over, first-year student Zalia Salley pulled up a chair at a table set up near the building’s cafe, took some of the available blue, purple, violet and ...
Whether it’s flower arranging, crocheting, or using credit card points, Great Falls Park and Recreation invite you to teach a ...
As if Melburnians need an excuse to dress up, the Pacific Sisters want you to don your Melbourne Cup-style best, add ...
Upcycling, repairing, and making things with your own two hands are some of the best things you can do to lower your carbon ...
When it came to planning our wedding, I quickly realised the dresses on offer in London weren’t quite for me...” ...
Looking for fashion-forward, yet affordable dresses for the spring? These dresses are all under $50 and you won't believe ...
There are numerous different schools in NYC dedicated to teaching pottery and all of its ... You can take a class in knitting or crochet to learn how to make personalized hats, socks, even ...
Wilma Plotner loved all kids. Her 29 grandchildren were a large part of Wilma's life. She loved to sew, embroider, crochet, & quilt, & taught her daughters how to create many creative projects.