with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, blowing the conch shell as though it was his plaything. Quickly assessing the situation as one beyond his control, Lord Vishnu approached Ganesha’s father ...
(Bhagavad Gita 4.8) "To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to re-establish dharma, I appear in every age." Life is a constant battle between creation and destruction, righteousness ...
The Sudarshan Chakra is the divine weapon of Lord Vishnu, the god of preservation. The holy discus consists of two discs ...
This day is considered an extremely auspicious and sacred day to worship Lord Vishnu. All the Lord Vishnu devotees observe strict fast and offer prayers to Shri Hari. Devotees worldwide ...
Lord Shiva's symbols, such as the serpent around his neck, ashes on his body, and the trishul, each hold profound meanings representing strength, spiritual awareness, and cosmic balance. These symbols ...
Vishnu Manchu who is also the president of MAA ... As the story goes, he gouged out an eye as an offering to a lingam in his ...