In 2020, the Office of Naval Intelligence told Congress that Chinese naval ships are now “in many cases comparable” to their ...
An expedition crew led by Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen found the famous USS Juneau, where the five Sullivan brothers perished during WWII, 4,200 meters below the surface on the floor of the ...
When the SS United States was launched in 1952, it was the era of crossing the Atlantic by ship, and people wanted to do it ...
The statute justified the imprisonment in World War II of thousands like Heidi Gurcke Donald. She is horrified as Trump ...
The United States and Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen are both vowing escalation after the U.S. launched airstrikes to ...
Editorial Roundup: United States
Excerpts from recent editorials in the United States and abroad: ___ March 13 The Washington Post on Gaza plan from Arab leaders Arab countries, along with most of the rest of the world, rightly ...
The bold plan calls for expanding the fleet to 390 ships by 2054. In total, China has a shipbuilding capacity 232 times greater than the United States ... since World War II, faces its greatest ...
By contrast, Newsweek's map shows that the U.S. Navy once commanded over a dozen public shipyards, many of which were vital to the American war effort in World War II. In the preceding decades ...
Japan is enhancing its standoff defense capabilities to eliminate any enemy forces at a distance and at an early stage.