Assembly Bill 1333, which would have changed what qualifies as self-defense and eliminated circumstances such as defending ...
FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – A law proposed by a Los Angeles County-area assemblymember that would have changed what qualifies as self-defense, eliminating circumstances such as defending your ...
Supporters of AB 1333 say it could prevent people from using more force than ... Sacramento create bad public policy that favor criminals and penalize victims." The bill has received so much pushback ...
RED BLUFF, Calif. - Assembly Bill 1333 was introduced last week by assemblyman Rick Chavez Zbur from Los Angeles. The bill would place restrictions on self-defense rights in California, including the ...
The developments surrounding the Castle Doctrine in California have stirred a heated debate about self-defense rights and personal safety, especially amidst rising concerns over crime rates in many ...
The Southern California Democrat who proposed banning the Castle doctrine – or using lethal force to defend your home – has ...
California State Assembly Bill 1333, which would have changed self-defense protection laws involving home intruders, has been pulled from consideration for now.
A law proposed by a Los Angeles-area Democrat that would have narrowed the scope of when someone could use lethal force in an act of self-defense has been withdrawn, the bill’s sponsor ...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A new bill aimed at tightening self-defense laws in California has sparked confusion and criticism from ...
Assemblymember and Democratic Caucus Chair Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) has withdrawn his bill to redefine allowable homicide in self defense saying fear and confusion has created a false impression ...