Simon Case has announced that he will step down as cabinet secretary and head of the civil service at the end of this year.
Earlier this year, CSW broke the news that applications to the Fast Stream had had plummeted, with the 2023 scheme receiving ...
Candidates must be able to respond to 'unprecedented evolution in medicines and medical technology', including genomics and ...
According to AI and digital government minister Feryal Clark, the unit has grown to a total of more than 40 staff as of the ...
Damning long-view document tracing historical background to scandal was created in response to Wendy Williams' review ...
Chief medical officer admits he still worries about whether the threat posed by Covid was 'overpitched' to the public ...
Meanwhile, the quality of senior officials who leave the civil service is “often high”. In 2022-23, 72% of those exiting were ...
Tradition-bucking appointment comes as part of package of HMRC reforms as Reeves confirms progress on hiring 5,000 more staff ...
He has called for a land management scheme that supports moves towards regenerative farming, nature recovery and food ...
Led by Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader of bacon-butty-eating, brother-defeating and “Ed Stone”-preaching fame, the ...
Using insights from the 2024 Scope 3 Maturity Benchmark Report, Beth Bradley-Smith, Principal Consultant at Proxima, ...
Local government minister Jim McMahon has warned that the parlous state of local authority finances is a barrier to further ...