Ideal if you'd like to ... attend a preparatory course (Studienkolleg) to qualify for admission to university in Germany live and work in Germany prove that you have successfully reached level B1 be ...
Anytime and anywhere: Learn German online and with our proven Goethe quality. No matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, no matter whether you want to learn German for professional ...
Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, impressively translated by Michael Hofmann bares witness to a harrowing toxic love affair against the backdrop of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the final years of the GDR.
Ideal if you'd like to ... apply for a position as an au pair in Germany obtain evidence of the language skills required to be granted a visa to join your husband or wife in Germany prove that you ...
The Kultur Ensembles are a strong sign of a forward-looking Franco-German partnership. They are breaking new ground in cooperation beyond France and Germany and in close exchange with the host country ...
In the Magazin Sprache you will find current articles on learning and teaching German as a foreign language: practical tips as well as specialist articles for in-service trainers and teachers.
Before you enrol directly online.or one of our courses, please take our placement test. In this way, we find out what previous knowledge you have, set a learning goal together with you and select a ...
A selfie at the Brandenburg Gate, a tour of Neuschwanstein Castle – all great. But which cities, landscapes and special places in Germany are also worth seeing? Once a month, we take you to a place in ...
Rupa Suara workshop was held in December 2023 at GoetheHaus Jakarta, bringing together eight musicians/artists with an interest in immersive audio practices and multimedia composition, co-initiated ...
Wie geht die alte polnische Königsstadt an der Weichsel mit den Millionen Tourist*innen um? Wo gibt es die besten Pierogi, Zapiekanki oder das beste Bigos? Und wie ist die Lage der zahlreichen ukraini ...
Tarayıcı ayarlarınızda JavaScript'i devre dışı bırakmışsınız. Kursları tekrar inceleyebilmek için JavaScript'i etkinleştiriniz. *) 15.12.1994 tarih ve 1994-26 sayılı vergi inceleme raporuna istinaden ...
Wenn Sie die im Kontaktformular eingegebenen Daten durch Klick auf den nachfolgenden Button übersenden, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Ihre Angaben für die Beantwortung Ihrer Anfrage ...