Come to Lighthouse Community church in Sheringham on 16 March and hear Andrew Whitman explain how Jesus impacted the lives of ...
John Myhill believes we should follow biblical principles and treat our offspring more as young adults than as children.
Diss United Reformed Church is celebrating the tenth anniversary of their Dove Dementia Café, which has been adding singing and worship to their activities. The Dove Dementia Café provides a meeting ...
The Queen has appointed Lady Philippa Dannatt (MBE), a Lay Canon of Norwich Cathedral, as the first ever woman to become the Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk. Lady Dannatt (65) will succeed Sir Richard ...
Suffolk has welcomed the new Bishop of Dunwich, who will focus on Church growth into the county, during a service attended by hundreds of people at St Edmundsbury Cathedral on Saturday. Young people ...
Quiet Waters Christian Retreat Centre in Bungay added three new team members to support the work of the house last year as it ...
Integrate Youth for Christ are holding a Persian Night next month in Diss, and tickets are now available for this fund-raising meal. All are invited to this fundraising event with a difference! Come ...
The Methodist Church’s Norwich Circuit has celebrated the commissioning, 60 years ago, of three local preachers with 180 years of service between them. During the special service at Hethersett ...
King’s Lynn Minster hosted the Coat of Hopes in a special exhibition last weekend before it continues its journey through East Anglia.
The church could learn a thing or two from 68 year old Dolly Parton's triumphant performance at Glastonbury says Rev Suzanne Cooke. It seems that no self respecting city, trendy village or field in ...
2009: A rural evangelical chapel in Norfolk is bucking the trend of declining church attendances by appointing its first full-time pastor, 120 years after it was established. And the move was greeted ...