The Ministry of Finance has imposed a provisional anti-dumping duty on aluminium foil up to 80 microns, excluding certain categories such as ultra-light gauge foil and capacitor foils, imported from ...
One of the goals for Green Science Alliance Co. Ltd. is to replace all petroleum-based chemicals with plant biomass-based alternatives. For example, it has developed plant biomass-based tableware, ...
Redfield, A. C., and Hutchins, L. W., in Marine Fouling and its Prevention, 3 (U.S. Naval Inst.: Annapolis, Md., 1952). Marine Corrosion Sub-Comm. Corrosion Comm ...
We have visited exclusive spas just to be coated in nightingale poop. When it comes to anti-aging regimens, it seems there's nothing some of us won't try in the hopes of younger, smoother skin.
Those are further augmented in the final assembly plants when freshly made vehicle bodies are dipped in baths of anti-corrosion agents before the painting process. However, the road-facing side of ...
Readers would not believe the deception that was used. So in 2025 with the policy of President Trump to intensify oil drilling, where are these anti-oil Guyanese? They have the temerity to speak for ...