Dating to the year 700 CE, the Afghan Liturgical Quire is on view at the Jewish Theological Seminary Library's exhibit, "Sacred Words: Revealing the Earliest Hebrew Book." ...
The Star Wars franchise is notorious for creating some of the coolest-looking background characters in science fiction and ...
If you wanted to be really extra, you could start with the prequel, then read them in chronological order. It actually might ...
Sunrise on the Reaping is now available. Amazon is currently discounting hardcovers and Kindle editions of the book. You can ...
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith this year with a number of new products, including a selection of new six-inch Star Wars: ...
The physical and emotional changes that come with puberty can be challenging for tweens, but these books can help. From expert guides filled with biological facts to the funny Wimpy Kid installment in ...
Andor” creator Tony Gilroy recently told Collider that he will not be making any of the scripts for the “Star Wars” series ...
Although Palpatine claimed in Rise of Skywalker that he was "All the Sith", Star Wars canon has turned his boast into a joke ...
Highland author Barbara Henderson tells of tales long forgotten, and how the landscape of our region has now inspired her own Cairngorm ...
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Hasbro is releasing new six-inch Kit Fisto and Tactical Ops Trooper Star Wars: The Black ...
Dan Jones What most people know of medieval English King Henry V, if most people know anything at all about him, is ...
The yearly comic convention caters to a wide-range of pop cultural interests. Here's what to know about Indiana Comic Con in ...